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You are in search of a commercial portrait photographer for some very valuable reasons. You want to look the best you can in a single image, with as smooth, pleasurable and professional of an experience you can get. Oh yet, and at a decent price. No one wants to be gouged, right?
However, these days everyone and his brother (and sister, and uncle, and niece…) calls themselves a professional photographer. But what truly makes a professional shooter is the complete knowledge of the art and science of photography. The lighting, the proper poses, what to wear, how to work with people, the right amount of retouching, and so much more.  How do you decide which person has exactly what you need?  Everyone will say that they are professional, that they love shooting people, that they give you a beautiful shot, and so on. But how do you know for certain?  There is only one way, through a known qualifier. For instance, the types of companies that have higher them in the past. Like our clients – Apple, H.P., Oracle and countless others. Or their associations, like APA, ASMP, or other national photography organizations they we have been a part of for 30 years.  Or their awards, -we have lost count on ours, but over 300.
Of course we well say that all of our shooters are trained, experienced professionals. But we will take it one step further by insuring you will get the perfect image for you needs.

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Beautifully lit studio style portraits. Which we can do for you in one of our 3 studios, or we can bring  the same great lighting expertise on location in your offices.  A commercial business portrait of headshot needs to look professional while appealing to your clients. And sometimes there is no better way to do that than with top professional lighting. Which, of course, we are experts at. If you need a professionally lit studio business portrait photographer, we have the best crew around.

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Environmental shots using the backgrounds in your own offices will help to represent the company environment. The portrait shots can still be casual, comfortable, and with the feeling that you are at home in your workplace. While at the same time they can demonstrate that the workplace atmosphere is all of the above also. And hey, nothing makes a shoot more comfortable and easier than doing it right where you work. We will come into your offices with our gear and crew, setup, shoot, and leave the place better than we found it. “Better” because when we live, everyone will feel great for having such nice shots taken of them.

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Outdoor location shots can bring a natural feel to your portrait. If you are a Real Estate Agent, landscaper, or you just love the outdoors and feel more comfortable with shooting your headshot out in nature, than the outdoor location shot could be perfect for you and your company.  Do you have a great yard, park or field close to you? Let’s go there and make a beautiful portrait.

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Some people have specialties. We do: Professional headshots and portraits for business people. But if you are a Law firm, investment / VC firm, then we will take it up one notch by saying, you are our kind of people. Let’s be honest, lawyers make people nervous. And some people have a similar level of apprehension the men and women who know how to make money work. Since those photographers don’t feel comfortable around you, how are they going to make you feel comfortable when shooting with them? They can’t. Be we can. Want proof?
A lawyer, a VC and a photographer walk into a bar. The lawyer says, “can I get a shot?” The VC says “I need two shots!”. The photographer says : (wait for it…)  ” I can give both of you great shots, just let me finish shooting this model”.  Comfortable yet?

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Group shots. Another specialty. Most people would believe that a group shot is just another photograph. But it is not.  As soon as you add in more people, you create a higher level of complexity. One person looks great in the shot that the other person is blinking. Six people – and only 3 of them look good at any one time.  How do you make a group shot work so everyone looks great?  By hiring an experience professional who knows all of the tricks. Some one who can work with more than one person at a time. Who can take control, but not be controlling. And someone who knows when the right shot has been taken, so that large group of people can get back to their jobs.  Guest what, we are experts at that.

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Oh yeah, it’s not just the actress, musician or model who wants to look glamorous. Even the shop owner or important business executive wants to step it up to feel good about the way they look. Stepping it up may mean working with one of our top professional make-up artists.  It may mean a little more complex but fashionable lighting. It may mean a little more time in the studio to get what we need, or a special location to fit the right look. But we can do it. In fact, we would love to do that.  Making your image more than a standard business portrait would give us the chance to truly use our talents and skills for what we love doing the most – creating a great shot.  So give us that chance.

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